
iktomi.templates.Template class is originnaly designed to unify template interface for forms, but can be used in anywhere else.

Template object provides render, render_to_response methods and render_to handler factory. The constructor accepts a list of directories for search temlates in (as *args) and following keyworg arguments:

  • globs.
  • cache.
  • engines.

Engine is class providing render method, which accepts template name and template arguments as keyword args, and returns rendered string. The constructor shoul accept templates paths list and option switching template cache on/off:

class MyEngine(object):
    def __init__(self, paths, cache=False):
        self.engine = MyTemplateEngine(paths, cache=cache)

    def render(self, template_name, **kw):
        template = self.engine.get_template(template_name)
        return template.render(kw)

Iktomi supports jinja2 engine by default.

Now we can instantiate Template object with engines we have:

from iktomi.templates import jinja2, Template
from iktomi import web

jinja_loader = jinja2.TemplateEngine(cfg.TEMPLATES,
template = Template(engines={'html': jinja_loader,
                             'my': MyEngine},

To bound a template object to the iktomi env, to add request-specific values to template variables, BoundTemplate is used:

class BoundTemplate(BaseBoundTemplate):

    constant_template_vars = dict(template_vars)

    def get_template_vars(self):
        lang = self.env.lang
        d = dict(
            lang = self.env.lang,
            url = self.env.root,
            url_for_object = self.env.url_for_object,
            url_for_static = self.env.url_for_static,
            now = datetime.now(),
        return d

It is recommended to put it into env.template object. Particularly, this is required for correct form rendering. And it may be useful to define env.render_to_string and env.render_to_response shortcuts:

class MyAppEnvironment(web.AppEnvironment):

    # ...

    def template(storage):
        return BoundTemplate(storage, template_loader)

    def render_to_string(storage, template_name, _data, *args, **kwargs):
        _data = dict(storage.template_data, **_data)
        result = storage.template.render(template_name, _data, *args, **kwargs)
        return Markup(result)

    def render_to_response(self, template_name, _data,
        _data = dict(self.template_data, **_data)
        return self.template.render_to_response(template_name, _data,