Advanced Practices

Advanced routing tools

Iktomi provides some additional filters.

A subdomain filter allows to select requests with a given domain or subdomain:

    web.subdomain('') | web.cases(
        web.match('/', 'index1') | index1,
    web.subdomain('') | web.cases(
        web.match('/', 'index2') | index2,

You can use multiple subdomain filters in a line to select lower-level subdomains. To specify a base domain chain one subdomain filter before:

web.subdomain('') | web.cases(
    # all * requests get here
    web.subdomain('my') | web.cases(
        # all * requests get here

A static_files handles static files requests and also provides a reverse function to build urls for static files:

static = web.static_files(cfg.STATIC_PATH, cfg.STATIC_URL)

def environment(env, data, next_handler):
    env.url_for_static = static.construct_reverse()

app = web.request_filter(environment) | web.cases(

Handling files is provided for development and testing reasons. You can use it to serve static file on development server, but it is strictly not recommended to use it for this purpose on production (use your web server configuration requests instead of it). Surely, reverse function is recommended to use on both production and development servers.

Custom URL converters

You can add custom URL converters by subclassing web.url.Converter. A subclass should provide to_python and to_url methods. First accepts unicode url part and returns any python object. Second does reverse transformation. Note, that url parts are escaped automatically outside URL converter:

class MonthConv(url.Converter):
    def to_python(self, value, **kwargs):
            return int(value)
        except ValueError:
            raise ConvertError(, value)

    def to_url(self, value):
        return str(value)

To include URL converter, pass convs argument to handler constructor:

prefix('/<month:month_num>', convs={'month': MonthConv})

Make an application configurable

Configuring env object:

class FrontEnvironment(web.AppEnvironment):
    cfg = cfg
    cache = memcache_client

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(FrontEnvironment, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.template_data = {}

    def url_for(self):
        return self.root.build_url

    def template(storage):
        return BoundTemplate(storage, template_loader)

    def render_to_string(storage, template_name, _data, *args, **kwargs):
        _data = dict(storage.template_data, **_data)
        result = storage.template.render(template_name, _data, *args, **kwargs)
        return Markup(result)

    def render_to_response(self, template_name, _data,
        _data = dict(self.template_data, **_data)
        return self.template.render_to_response(template_name, _data,

    def redirect_to(storage, name, qs, **kwargs):
        url = storage.url_for(name, **kwargs)
        if qs:
            url = url.qs_set(qs)
        return HTTPSeeOther(location=str(url))

    def json(self, data):
        return webob.Response(json.dumps(data),

    def db(self):
        return db_maker()

wsgi_app = Application(app, env_class=FrontEnvironment)

Describe differences between storage_method, storage_property, storage_cached_property, cached_property here.

  • BoundTemplate subclassing
  • environment handler